
Another beautifull huntingday

Above: be quick, be smart and use your nose

Above: you'll have to stand on your backfeet if you want to see anything in these crops

Above: and this is where it's all about


Jazz Bundessieger

We had the crazy plan together with the IJpelaar family to go to the Crufts with our dogs in March 2009. Only for showing there you'll have to qualify and in the Netherlands you can only qualify at the Winner show in Amsterdam. Kalle, Kylie and Jordi already have their qualifications, only Jazz didn't. The IJpelaar family already entered Kalle for the Bundessieger-Zuchtschau in Dortmund and there you can also qualify for Crufts. They offered me to take Jazz overthere and have a try. Well, it did work for sure, thanks to Peggy who excellently handled Jazz! Jazz became BOB (Best of Breed) at the Bundessieger show and again the next day at the National show. I photographed her with all the trofees she gained, although with me ofcourse she doesn't want to stand properly :-)) Handling is a real proffession. Now off we go to the Crufts next year!


Kylie on a real pheasant hunt

Above: Kylie points out a pheasant, hidden in the crops

Last week we were invited to help hunting on pheasants in the field. Well, that's where we did all the practising for! So yes, ofcourse we wanted to help. And Kylie really did very well. She pointed out all the game beautifully (also the hare's) and because of her, several pheasants came out of the crops. Only the cocks were shot. On the picture above Kylie gets petted, because the pheasant-cock was shot because of her, but if you look at her face, she'd rather not have all the attention, instead she'd rather carry on working.

Jordi is a dad now!!

Above: 1 day old
Underneath: 1,5 weeks old. The biggest one is the boy.

Jordi and his girlfriend Blythe (pedigree name: Tarkanya Holly's Heroine) got 2 beautifull puppy's on October 9. Giving birth wasn't all that easy for Blythe this time. One puppy unfortunately got very stuck and because of that he and 6 other puppy's died at birth. But they still got these 2 gorgeous little ones, a boy and a girl. You can watch them grow every day, they have plenty nipples with lots of milk to drink from. So Jazz is a grandmother now :-))


Kylie, Kalle and Django are good fielworkers

Above: Django after a good hunt

Above: Kalle at work
Underneath: Kylie after a good hunt

All three are hard workers in the field. Obsessed by trying to find the game in between the sugarbulbs. We had several tests the last weeks and they all won a qualification, which means they found a pheasant, pointed it and pushed it out.
Sometimes a dog hunts the field very well, but because they are wild birds, there were no pheasants in its part of the field. When the judge thinks the dog did a very good job hunting the field, he gives an honourfull announcement to that dog. Kylie's got two of those the last weeks. I'm very proud. All three now are official Working Class dogs on dogshows.