
Sundaymorning walk

Because Kylie and her sister Bonnie (on the picture above in the front) are both in heat, we have to walk some place where no other dogs come. We found a beautifull path along meadows. On these meadows heaps of geese were fouraging and Kylie was very interested in them. Every fence we passed, she had to have a good watch.


Once more Jazz at the huntingtraining

A few more nice pictures of Jazz's hard work through the mud. This is the kind of work she realy loves. The top picture is a waterbird, the two pictures below are with a big goose.


Breakfast time

How peacefull! And chicken grain tastes much better than dogfood. Don't think we've got peacefull Large Munsterlanders. It's only because these chickens belong to the family that they are not bothered by the dogs. All other chickens have to fear for their lives.