
The puppies are born!

On 10-10-2010 Kylie gave birth to 9 beautifull puppies, 4 boys en 5 girls. All the puppies are already promissed to nice people. At the Album of the website, the puppie pictures will be uploaded.


Two weeks waiting to go...

Today Kylie is exactly 7 weeks pregnant. Only 2 weeks left before delivery. And it's starting to show.


Kylie is pregnant

Above: first pictures of the puppies :-)

Above and underneath: Ari von der Emsaue, the dad to be

On August 8th we had Kylie mated by Ari von der Emsaue. And today, 4 weeks later we have the first pictures of the puppies. Isn't that amazing! It's difficult to exactly count them, so that will be a surprise. Around October 10th we expect them to be born.


Training with the family

Above: Kylie with a fox

Above: Kalle with a fox

Above: Athos with a fox
Underneath: Kalle with a duck

These pictures are made of our training yesterday. We had a fox to train with, which is rather special. Hennie and Tonnie want to enter a German VGP test this fall with Kalle and Athos and for that the dogs need to fetch foxes. Athos is Kylie and Kalle's nephew. (from Jazz's sister Heidi) The dogs did realy well and I could make some nice pictures of it :-))


And this handsome chap is Kiyo



Above: from l.t.r. Sparkey, Bonnie, Joy, Mila, Kylie and Jazz

Above: Sparkey shaking the water off his coat

Above and underneath: Joy jumping into the water

Above: and if you whistle they all come together

Above: Joy having fun
Underneath: having a swim together

Underneath: Kylie catching mice

Underneath: Sparkey and Joy

We decided to walk the dogs together on a more regular basis, for we don't live that far apart from eachother. And the dogs just love it! They are a pack from the first minute on. Only the park is less peace and quite when we are there :-)) This time we brought our camera...

Zeb update

Zeb is such a sweet but naughty fellow! His hobby's are trying to catch (water)birds, rabbits and (butter)flies (?) And ofcourse for hunting birds you'll have to climb trees if you want to catch them :-))


Kylie fetching a dummy from way over the lake

Jazz hunting rabbits

Finn is always in the water - loves it there!

Pieter with Tyler on the huntingtraining


Django jr. International Champion!

Just like Kalle, Django jr. became International Champion! Congratulations!! International Champions won at least 2 CAC IB's in 2 different countries and are in the possesion of a workingdog certificate.

Exercise at the clubmatch

Above: an agility circuit was to be practised
Underneath: Jet showing Joy how flyball goes

Underneath: that was fun!
Game was thrown in a sheapcage and the dogs were to fetch it.
Well, no problem ofcourse...
Above: Gunn
Underneath: Jazz

Above: Joy
Underneath: Kylie

After the showing there were a lot of fun things to do with the dogs. See above pictures.

Rembrandt at the clubmatch

In total there were 12 Stommeerpolder brothers and sisters at the clubmatch! The dogs from the last litter now are 9 months old which is a bad age for showing, for they are still very loose in moving. They had fairly good comments though and Rembrandt even got an excellent and became third in his class. Hennie showed him which ofcourse was also a pro :-)) But to be hounest, he looks great!!


Kalle BOB on the Dutch clubmatch!

Last Saturday the Dutch Large Munsterlander Club organised their yearly clubmatch. There were 64 LM's present to show. Two years ago Kalle ended up as reserve best dog, last year as best dog and this year he ended up as BOB! (best of breed) Well, for next year there's nothing left to gain :-)) Congratulations Peggy, Anke and Hennie!!


Kylie's new boyfriend: Ari v.d. Emsaue

We found Kylie a handsome boyfriend: Ari von der Emsaue. He's supposed to be the father of our next litter. He is a very happy and relaxt dog, with great looks, not too big and kind of the same type as Kylie is. He's been used several times in Germany and Austria and there are already over 100 children of him, so he's got a good name, otherwise he wouldn't be used that often. In Holland he's only been used once. If you are interested in this combination, let us know, for we already received several inquiries.


Finn practising for the World Cup, Oeps!


Newly planned litter from Kylie

Because there are several litters planned for coming winter, we seriously think about having Kylie's litter in the afterseason (September). We have a handsome German Dog in mind. As soon as we are sure we will ofcourse mention him on this website. We are very sure about Kylie being a fun mum, as fun as she was as a sister, teaching her little brothers and sisters all naughty habits like digging holes :-)) If you are interested in a little Kylie, let us know! More news to come on this blog.


Family walk

Above: back: Rembrandt, Kylie and Mila front: Bonnie, Jazz and Joy

Above: Bonnie and Rembrandt

Above: The Soesterduinen - a huge area where the dogs can run as far as they (we) like
Underneath: water!!!!!

Underneath: Annemieke (Bonnie and Mila), Jet (Joy and Stabyhoun Pip), Yvonne and Frank (Rembrandt), Fleur in the front (Jazz and Kylie) and me taking the picture :-))

Yesterday we were on a familywalk. The area we walked in all of a sudden lightened up with all those beautifull dogs :-)) We had a great time!