
New training season has begun..

Above: hoping Kylie will find the duck in the woods

Above and underneath: yes she did!

Underneath: waiting and watching in the freezing cold

Although this looks like Syberia, these pictures were made in Holland this morning. Training season has begun again, so I've started training Kylie for more hunting tests. Isn't it beautifull in the snow!!

Zeb at the Belgian beachwalk

In Belgium, there was also a beachwalk organised on the 17th of January and that's where Zeb joined in and above picture was made.

Large Munsterlander Beachwalk January 17

Above and underneath: Sparkey playing with Kylie... and again Kylie's tail is not save :-))

Above and underneath: Kalle and Kylie are teasing eachother.
Just like a brother and his sister.

Above: Kylie on full speed
Underneath: Gimly next to his mum

Above: Jazz
Underneath: Django jr.

Above: Gimly and Kylie
Underneath: Kalle, Jazz and Kylie

It's already 2 weeks ago the Large Munsterlander Beachwalk was organised. In total there were 18 Large Munsterlander present, so no birds on that beach anymore during the walk :-)) The Stommeerpolder family was well presented by Jazz, Kylie, Gimly, Django jr., Kalle and Sparkey. Sparkey didn't do the whole walk, for that was a bit too far for a youngster, but he had a lot of fun.


Walking in the dunes

Above: today
Underneath: yesterday

Good thing about beachwalks are the dunes. The Dutch coast is protected by beautifull dunes. Good thing about these dunes is the fact that there are heaps of rabbits living in it. And ofcourse that makes the dogs very happy. Kylie and Jazz behave pretty well in the dunes. They know now they can watch, they can smell, but they are not supposed to hunt the rabbits. The walks don't go very fast, for every 5 meters they point out another rabbit, but it's so beautifull overthere, especially with the snow, that I don't mind :-))

Mila with stick

New pictures of Roy (Thibeau)

We received new pictures of Thibeau from Belgium. Jean-Yves says Thibeau behaves very well, learns quick and is very spoilt. Well, that sounds good :-))

Kylie's new hobby

Kylie has got a new hobby on her beachwalks. Because of the snow and the half frozen canals, we walk on the beach nearly every day now and she started to bring me dead fish in all kinds of rotten stages. I don't know if I have to take that as a compliment.... ?? At least she doesn't roll in it :-))


This is Jordi, living in England, where the wheather has also been very Siberian. Jordi doesn't mind at all, loves it! With all the hair he has it's warm enough. Marie though has a lot of mopping to do, when all the snow melts.


Sparkey has new owners!!

Above: Michel and Jolanda with Sparkey
Underneath: Sparkey at home in his new home

How quick did that happen!! Ofcourse he's so cute, who would not want him! Michel and Jolanda are very nice people and they live only 10 km from here, so we can still continue seeing him. I'm so happy for Sparkey :-))


Sparkey is looking for a new owner!

Due to sad circumstances, Sparkey is looking for a new owner. He is 17 weeks old now, used to kids and other dogs and fully vaccinated and dewormed. Above all he is very affectionate, and loves to fetch. Who wants to become his new owner? Please call us or send us an email.