
And this handsome chap is Kiyo



Above: from l.t.r. Sparkey, Bonnie, Joy, Mila, Kylie and Jazz

Above: Sparkey shaking the water off his coat

Above and underneath: Joy jumping into the water

Above: and if you whistle they all come together

Above: Joy having fun
Underneath: having a swim together

Underneath: Kylie catching mice

Underneath: Sparkey and Joy

We decided to walk the dogs together on a more regular basis, for we don't live that far apart from eachother. And the dogs just love it! They are a pack from the first minute on. Only the park is less peace and quite when we are there :-)) This time we brought our camera...

Zeb update

Zeb is such a sweet but naughty fellow! His hobby's are trying to catch (water)birds, rabbits and (butter)flies (?) And ofcourse for hunting birds you'll have to climb trees if you want to catch them :-))


Kylie fetching a dummy from way over the lake

Jazz hunting rabbits

Finn is always in the water - loves it there!

Pieter with Tyler on the huntingtraining