Above: together with Dirk on the bicycle Underneath: lots of exercising and no cars around
Underneath: the beaches are favorite. No rules there!
Underneath: wet, sandy and tired
It realy is time for an update again! Last month we stayed a few days on Terschelling. In the north of Holland there are five habitable islands in the North Sea and a few smaller ones. They are beautifull. Enormous beaches, lots of moor and wetlands and hardly any cars. The islands are birds paradises and if you visit off-season, there are not many people around. So perfect for a visit with two Large Munsterlanders. And what do Dutch people do on their Dutch hollidays... they cycle all the time. We hired a cycle the dogs fit in, for 6 hours of running next to a cycle is a bit too much asked, so now and then they could rest while my husband Dirk was cycling them around. It was a very healthy and satisfactoring weekend for all of us.